Time is such a fascinating thing. 2 Peter 3:8 says, "a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day". Scripture also says that God is at the beginning of time and at the end of time and present now all at the same moment. How does all that work? Scientists have tried to understand the fundamentals of time and still don't get it all. Many people have tried to stop time and no one can. And others have tried to travel through time or change time - never going to happen.
And yet, we live in time. Sometimes we try to "capture" time in our memories, sometimes we go on with a day and pay no attention to time. I know for me, this last six months, time has looked different. Time seems so much more important. On the one hand, I want it to stop because I don't want one more day to go by with Caleb gone. On the other hand, I want each day to end quickly because then, at least this day will be done. Time has never passed so slowly or so quickly all at the same time. And it's been a long while since I have paid so much attention to it's passing.
I remember as a young child, feeling each year was so long and so cool. And as I got into my teens, it seemed the years went by much quicker. Then as a mom of young kids, the days were all long but the years were going by way too fast. I know in the last few years I mark the big things of each year but get to the end of the year and think about how little I did or accomplished. This last six months, I have really noticed all the times that Caleb was not there and it seems that we do so much more every day than I noticed.
The truth is, at the end of time, in eternity, when time no longer exists, this will all seem so trivial and small. The amazing thing about time is how constant and unchanging it is for now and yet how our perspective is so very fluid. The reality is, though, that time is not constant, it is fluid, we just can't live there yet. There are times I wish I could have the perspective of eternity but I can't seem to wrap my brain - and certainly not my emotions - around the concept and reality of eternity.
For now, I know "time is in His hands" and "He is my strength every morning". Ours is certainly not the first journey into a new view of time and ours will not be the last. Death truly changes our perspective of many things, time being one. I am grateful such an important and vital part of our world is in much more capable hands than mine. And that He chooses to walk through time, in my present, with me. And that, one day, time will have no hold or memory.